
021 Laura Astrup Larsen
Industrial Design

Et taktilt værk der udfordrer og stimulerer sanserne.


A Tactile Composition that Challenges and Stimulates the Senses.


Ved at benytte forskellige typer af skum med skiftende teksturer har Laura Astrup Larsen designet en oplevelse, der kalder på fysisk berøring. Værkets udformning af forskellige flader gør, at man ikke kan afkode det med det blotte øje. Man er nødt til at røre for at forstå helheden.


Laura Astrup Larsen has used different types of foam with changing textures to design an experience that promotes physical touch. The design of the various surfaces makes it impossible to decode the work with the naked eye. You have to touch it in order to grasp the totality of the work.


Vi lever i en digital verden, hvor afstanden til det fysiske bliver fortsat større. Med ’Touch’ vil Laura Astrup Larsen minde os om, hvor vigtige taktile oplevelser er for at kunne forstå verden.


We live in a digital world in which the distance to the physical reality constantly increases. With her creation ‘Touch’ Laura Astrup Larsen wants to remind us how important it is to have tactile experiences in order to understand the world.

Studieby Kolding
Studieby Kolding
Project number
