Motion is emotion

012 Sofia Nørtoft Osman
Communication Design

Et visuelt værktøj der slår bro over kløften mellem designere og brands


A visual tool that bridges the gap between designers and brands.


I løbet af sit praktikophold ved designbureauet USE opdagede Sofia Osman, at det er svært for kunderne at forstå, hvorfor og hvordan man kan gøre sit brand levende med motion design.


During her traineeship at the design agency USE, Sofia Osman discovered that customers find it hard to understand why and how to bring their brand to life with motion design.


Baseret på research af tendenser indenfor digital branding, psykologi og designeres praksis har Sofia Osman udviklet en prototype på et interaktivt værktøj, som designere og klienter kan bruge i dialog med hinanden.


Based on research of trends in digital branding, psychology and designers' practices, Sofia Osman has developed a prototype of an interactive tool that designers and clients can use in dialogue with each other.

Designbureauet USE
USE studio
Project number

Motion is emotion