Woven bag collection: a means of reconnecting to dormant textiles

062 Melissa Annesofie Bundell
Accessory design

En kollektion af tasker, vævet af genbrugstekstiler fra designerens eget hjem, som for eksempel gammelt tøj, silke fra en brudekjole og calico, der ellers anvendes til modelsyning. Krystaller fra Swarowski tilføjede stil og værdi.



A collection of handbags, woven from repurposed textiles from the designer’s own home, for example old garments, silk from a wedding dress or calico, a material that is normally used in model sewing. Crystals from Swarowski add style and value.


I sit ufrivillige eksil under corona-perioden fandt designeren ro i væveprocessen, mens hun hørte musik og facetimede med sine venner. Samtidig blev hun inspireret til at bruge materialer fra sine egne gemmer i lejligheden. På den måde blev designprocessen bæredygtig for både menneske og miljø.


n her forced exile during the corona period the designer found peace in the weaving process while listening to music and Facetiming with her friends. She was also inspired to use materials tucked away in her flat. That made the design process sustainable for humans and for the environment as well.


Brugen af et restprodukt som calico til at skabe et elegant luksusprodukt for Swarowski er en næsten ironisk kommentar til modebranchens overforbrug af ressourcer.


The use of remnants like calico to create an elegant luxury product for Swarowski is an almost ironic comment to the overconsumption of resources practiced by the fashion industry.

Project number

Woven bag collection: a means of reconnecting to dormant textiles