Video-møder! En nødvendighed i den nye corona-virkelighed, men også en kilde til uendelig kedsommelighed. Eller hvad? Designeren udforsker her mulighederne for at lægge nye kreative, intime og inkluderende dimensioner ind i fremtidens digitale kommunikation.
Video Meetings! A necessity in this new corona reality, but also a source of infinite boredom. Or are they? The designer explores the possibilities of adding new creative, intimate and inclusive dimensions to the digital communication of the future.
Giv en high-five, svæv i en boble, gem dig bag en sky eller glid fra en gruppe til en anden. Mulighederne viser sig uendelige, når designeren dykker ned i en masse virtuelle fællesskaber gennem spil, dialoger, adfærdsstudier og Virtual Reality. Projektet er startskuddet til en ny digital verden, og designeren videregiver sin viden i en værktøjskasse med inspirationskort.
Give a high-five, soar in a bubble, hide behind a cloud or glide from one group to another. The possibilities turn out to be endless, when the designer explores an abundance of virtual communities through games, dialogues, behavioural studies and Virtual Reality. The project is the start of a new digital world, and the designer is passing on his knowledge in a toolbox containing inspirational cards.
Corona-pandemien har tvunget milliarder af mennesker til at gentænke deres arbejdsliv, og utallige af os løser nu vores arbejde gennem digital teknologi. Med dette projekt bliver det digitale rum mere imødekommende og stimulerende for mødet med andre.
The corona pandemic has forced billions of people to rethink their work life, and so many of us now conduct our work through digital technology. This project will make the digital space more approachable and inspiring for the encounter with other people.