The Social Contract

026 Clara Sika Helbo

Et interaktivt brætspil er fremtidens undervisningsmateriale om digitale fodspor.


This interactive board game is the educational material of the future related to digital footprints.


Designeren kastede sig ud i et bundløst hav af viden, da hun gik i gang med at interviewe specialister, analysere et utal af privatlivspolitikker og afholde workshops med målgruppen for at forstå udfordringen. Først herefter kunne hun gå i gang med at udvikle prototyper for spillet og afgøre den endelige udformning.


The designer plunged into a bottomless sea of knowledge as she embarked on interviewing specialists, analysing a myriad of privacy policies and conducting workshops with the target audience in order to appreciate the challenge. Only then could she initiate the development of prototypes for the game and choose the final design.


Gennem leg og sensorisk stimulation bliver unge bevidste om deres digitale fodspor, der ligger overalt på nettet. De lærer, at vi alle har ret til et digitalt privatliv uden overvågning – og at adgangen til data bør demokratiseres.


Young people become aware of the digital footprint they leave all over the Internet through play and sensory stimulation. They learn that we are all entitled to digital privacy without surveillance – and that access to data needs to be democratised.

Project number

The Social Contract