Feeling Safe in the Age of Corona

047 Majken Feldkamp Herold
Fashion and Textile Design

En strikkollektion der gør os trygge.



A knitwear collection that makes us feel safe.


Der har til alle tider været brug for tøj, der gør os trygge i krisesituationer som den pandemi, vi aktuelt står i. Fortidens pest-dragter med fuglenæb og nutidens ansigtsmasker er eksempler på beklædning, der gennem tiderne har været brugt til at beskytte imod smitte. Med afsæt i sin strikkollektion har Majken Herold undersøgt, om krisebeklædning i højere grad skaber en personlig oplevelse af tryghed end tilbyder egentlig sikkerhed.


All through the ages there has been a need for clothes that make us feel safe in crisis situations such as the pandemic we are currently in. The 17th century pest costumes with their bird-like beaks and the current face masks are examples of clothing which over the years have been used to protect us against infection. Using her knitwear collection as a starting point, Majken Herold has investigated whether crisis clothing does indeed offer actual protection or rather provides a personal experience of safety.


Med afsæt i brugerstudier har Majken Herold studeret menneskers garderober og brug afbeklædning under COVID-19 for at afdække deres tanker og følelser. Hun har haft fokus på kroppens anatomi set i relation til beskyttende beklædning med det sigte at skabe tryghedsgivende strik i bløde naturlige materialer.


Based on user studies, Majken Herold has studied people's wardrobes and the clothing they wear during the COVID-19 pandemic in order to uncover their thoughts and emotions. She has focused on the body's anatomy seen in relation to protective clothing with the aim of creating knitwear that offers a sensation of safety made of soft natural materials.

Project number

Feeling Safe in the Age of Corona