Breathing Books: Where Imaginations Come True

095 Jaivardhan Channey
Design for Play

Klistermærker, spillekort, små historieskabeloner og et persongalleri hentet fra populære Bollywood-film er nogle af de elementer, der skal hjælpe indiske børn i gang med at skabe deres egne digitale fortællinger i Augmented Reality. 


Stickers, playing cards, small story templates, and a character gallery taken from popular Bollywood movies are some of the elements that are meant to help Indian children get started creating their own digital narratives in Augmented Reality.



Designerens egen familie kom til at spille en rolle i udviklingen af projektet, da de hjalp ham med at holde erindringen om hans egen fortælletrang som barn i live. Kombineret med en række workshops for børn om teknologi og historier blev det fundamentet for løsningen, der skal stimulere den frie fortælling.


The designer's own family came to play a role in the development of the project, as they helped him keep the memory of his own storytelling urge as a child alive. Combined with a series of workshops for children about technology and stories, this became the foundation for the solution to stimulate the free narrative.


Projektet hjælper børn til at blive aktive medproducenter af deres kreative og personlige underholdningsunivers i stedet for bare at være passive forbrugere.


The project will help children become active co-producers of their creative and personal entertainment universe rather than being just passive consumers.

Project number

Breathing Books: Where Imaginations Come True