Re: Reconsider Reassemble Reborn

0114 Cornelia Therkelsen

I krydsfeltet mellem teknologi, design og en stræben efter større bæredygtighed har designeren udviklet et skokoncept, hvor sålen på den sanselige lædersko kan udskiftes, når den er slidt ned. Dermed forlænges skoens levetid betydeligt.


At the intersection of technology, design and the pursuit of greater sustainability, the designer has developed a shoe concept where the sole of the sensuous leather shoe can be replaced when it is worn out. This significantly prolongs the life of the shoe.


Designeren har undersøgt, hvordan folk typisk slider deres sko, og derefter eksperimenteret med alternative måder at konstruere sko på. Skokollektionen arbejder med det bedste fra fortid og nutid i kombinationen af det traditionelle skohåndværk i overdelen med et nyudviklet, bionedbrydeligt sålmateriale i naturfibre i den udskiftelige sål.


The designer has studied how people typically wear out their shoes and then experimented with alternative ways of constructing shoes. This footwear collection incorporates the best of the past and the best of the present combining the traditional shoe craftsmanship in the upper with a newly developed, biodegradable sole material made of natural fibres in the replaceable sole.


Sko er et komplekst og ressourcekrævende produkt at fremstille, og smides ofte ud efter kort tid, fordi de går i stykker eller er slidt op. Designeren drømmer om, at vi tager os bedre af vores sko, og at de konstrueres, så de er lettere at reparere.


Shoe manufacturing is complex and resource-intensive, and footwear is often discarded after a short time because it breaks or is worn out. It is the designer’s hope that we take better care of our shoes and that they are constructed in such a way that they are easier to repair.



Project number

Re: Reconsider Reassemble Reborn