Giv sorgen sprog

004 Anne-Line Holdgaard Lunding
Communication Design

“Giv sorgen sprog” er en refleksionsbog, der med udgangspunkt i citater fra andre i sorg, skal hjælpe den sørgende med at sætte ord og billeder på de behov, udfordringer og tanker et livsomvæltende tab skaber.


“Giv sorgen sprog” (“Create a Language for Grief”) is a reflection book that, based on quotes from others who are grieving, is intended to help the grieving person to put the needs, challenges and thoughts that a life-altering loss creates into words and pictures.


Gennem en lang række interviews, både med mennesker der arbejder med og er i sorg, har Anne-Line Holdgaard Lunding fået indsigt i, hvilke kerneudfordringer den sørgende møder. Visuelle elementer, som tegning, mapping og fotos har været en central del af interviewene, og har skabt grobund for at arbejde videre med, hvad visuelle elementer kan, når vi skal sætte ord på svære følelser.  


Through a series of interviews, both with people who work with and who are experiencing grief, Anne-Line Holdgaard Lunding has gained insight into the core challenges that the grieving person faces. Visual elements such as drawings, mapping and photos have been key elements of the interviews and have created fertile ground for further exploration of the power of visual elements in situations where we have to put difficult emotions into words.


En central udfordring for mennesker i sorg er, at de mangler et sprog til at udtrykke de følelser og forandringer de gennemgår. Selv i vores oplyste samfund er sorg omgivet med berøringsangst og manglende forståelse, og både den sørgende selv og de nære omgivelser mangler redskaber til at møde sorgens væsen.


A key challenge for people in grief is that they lack a language to express the emotions and changes they are going through. Even in our enlightened society, there is a reluctance to deal with the issue and a lack of understanding as well, and both the person who is grieving and close friends and family lack the tools to cope with the nature of grief.

Project number

Giv sorgen sprog