EDIBLE Kolding

0110 Patricia Csobánczi
Design for Planet

En række eksperimenter bringer borgerne i Kolding tættere på den mad og de afgrøder, de indtager – også til de spiselige planter i og omkring byen. Projektet blev kun mere relevant af corona-perioden, hvor interessen for det nære og for hjemmedyrkede grøntsager voksede.


A series of experiments bring the citizens of Kolding closer to the food and the crops they consume – also to the edible plants in and around the city. The project has become even more relevant during the corona period, when there has been an increasing interest in the local community and in home-grown vegetables.


Designeren inddrager både mennesker og byens levende organismer i sit arbejde for at bringe os tættere på det, der nærer os.

Møderne sker på et marked, i en midlertidig byhave og gennem en dagbog, der formidler byens natur, havebrug og fødevarer for os – og måske vækker minder om barndommens oplevelser med mad og natur.


The designer involves both humans and the city's living organisms in her work to bring us closer to what nourishes us.

The meetings take place at a market, in a temporary city garden, and through a diary that conveys to us the city's natural environment, its horticulture and its food – and perhaps evokes memories of childhood experiences with food and nature.



Considering the modern food production and our demands for food from all over the world, unrelated to the seasons, we have lost touch with our natural environment and the people who produce the food we eat.



Considering the modern food production and our demands for food from all over the world, unrelated to the seasons, we have lost touch with our natural environment and the people who produce the food we eat.

Project number

EDIBLE Kolding